More About Me

A few years ago I reached a breaking point between my health and my career. After spending 15 years in pain juggling a stressful career in the nonprofit sector, I had finally been diagnosed with endometriosis. I was slowly healing from a major surgery and facing going back to work when my brain and body raised a cacophony of protest:

For WHAT??

I was extremely good at my work, often loved doing it, and believed deeply in the mission. But I had spent years prioritizing that work, pushing my own health aside, and gritting my teeth through the pain during the day only to come home in tears and crawl directly into bed at night. 

So, for once, instead of tamping down my internal voice and taking the “right” path back to my career – the path that often seems inevitable when we follow what is expected of us – I listened. I jumped. I quit my job and have spent my time since rediscovering who I actually am and what I actually want – and reshuffling my life’s priorities to match. I’ve never been happier, healthier, or more fulfilled.

Now, I’m using my experience to help others.

My role is to help you listen to your own internal voice and rediscover who you are and what you actually want.